South America timezones

On this page you find a list of all countries in South America classified by timezones based on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC is equivalent to the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Please note that in some countries in South America Daylight Saving Time (DST), also sometimes referrred to as "Summer time" may be in effect. During Daylight Saving Time clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in autumn.

All times shown on this page are local standard times in the capital of the respective country without DST adjustment. Countries in South America with current DST are marked with [+1]. You will find further information on DST in any specific country under the following country links.

You can sort the list of timezones in South America alphabetically by countries.

South America timezone UTC GMT -5.0
Local standard timeCountries
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 - 4:22amColombia, Ecuador, Peru

South America timezone UTC GMT -4.0
Local standard timeCountries
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 - 5:22amBolivia, Guyana, Venezuela

South America timezone UTC GMT -3.0
Local standard timeCountries
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 - 6:22amArgentina, Brazil, Chile, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Paraguay, Suriname, Uruguay